新版ISO 31000可简...
ISO standards to help meet the global water quality objectives.
发布者: 发布时间:2013/1/13 阅读:734

More than 150 million children a year die from water-borne diseases. About 884 million people lack access to safe drinking water, And there are 250 million people live without adequate sanitation in the worldwide. Climate change and population growth caused by pollution is to blame.
To help combat these alarming statistics, the United Nations (UN) World Water Day (WWD) stressed the ISO the more than 18,000 international standards to address these challenges, including global unified solution. United Nations World Water Day 2010 theme is "The world needs a healthy clean water." This year's meeting took note of the quality of life to remind people depend directly on water quality. Safe drinking water and sanitation is the core of poverty alleviation. However, there are 200 tons per day of sewage and other effluent into the world's waters. In developing countries, 90% of untreated sewage and 79% of untreated industrial waste were dumped into surface water.
Safe drinking water and improved sanitation target in the deep-rooted among the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. ISO through the development of drinking water and sewage services, and contribute to water quality standards, these standards are the ISO / TC 224 and ISO / TC 147 (see below) to develop.
The good news is saying the United Nations, we expected to achieve the Millennium Development Goals drinking water, "ISO Secretary-General Rob Steele said," the rules of the introduction and implementation of international standards greatly facilitate these efforts. "" However, the United Nations warned that if current trends continue, the international community will lose nearly 10 billion people by 2015 health goals. If no action is taken, human health and environmental sustainability will be threatened. ISO standards provide tools to help manage the world's water resources, this is a common heritage, equality and sustainable. "
IS ISO comprehensive solutions toolkit is built on the common areas of the world on the basis of understanding and cooperation. It includes water quality evaluation and measurement standards, and management of drinking water and wastewater services, including ensuring water supply in crisis situations. Other standard solution of groundwater resources, "green" for irrigation, industrial use and other aspects of the water. ISO Technical Committee focuses on:
l ISO / TC 147, Quality
ISO / TC 224, related to drinking water supply and sewage disposal systems service activities - the quality of service standards and performance indicators
l ISO / TC 113, flow measurement
ISO / TC 147 has developed a water quality standards, including definitions of terms, water sampling, measurement and reporting of water characteristics. Since the ISO / TC 147 in 1971, inception, it has worked out 246 standard. So far, 35 countries participate in its work, and another 51 countries have observer status
ISO / TC 224 has developed on the drinking water supply systems and sewage treatment systems service activities of the assessment, improvement and management of the three criteria. ISO / TC 224 was established in 2001, 33 countries participate in its work, and another 17 countries as observers.
ISO / TC 113 standards developed hydrologic (water measurement), with emphasis on water resources management and protection. The Technical Committee was established in 1964, has developed 75 standards. 15 countries participate in its work, and another 21 as observers.
Also released an ISO to resolve the international conference of water security agreement IWA 6:2008 "conditions in the crisis of drinking water utility management's Guide." ISO and other examples of water-related fields, including irrigation (ISO / TC 23/SC 18 of the 30 standards) and plastic piping systems (ISO / TC 138/SC 2 of the 68 standard).
 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is being coordinated on behalf of UN-Water's World Water Day 2010 campaign. March 22 of each year World Water Day is held in a United Nations initiative to let the whole world took note of the importance of fresh water and the need for sustainable management of water resources. United Nations Environment Programme has seven ISO standard-setting bodies in contact status, including ISO / TC 147.
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